Pupil Premium Strategy Statement and September 2024 Review


Our Pupil Premium Allocation this year is £90,540

Our Recovery Premium Funding this FINANCIAL year is £4,049 (Ceases September 2024)

Overview and Evaluation of Main Barriers and Priorities for Spending 

Abercrombie takes a whole school approach to raising standards, closing gaps and addressing barriers to learning. During 2024/25, the Pupil Premium Grant will be used primarily to support disadvantaged children to make sure gaps between groups of children close and that opportunities are provided for children to enhance their learning provision and aspirations. Funding will also be used to provide intervention and support that was designed to make sure gaps are closing and standards are being raised for all children across the school.

The Pupil Premium Grant 2024/2025 will be used specifically to support the following:

  • High quality teaching throughout lessons by teachers. Teaching Assistants (funded by PPG money) will be used to assess, monitor and enable children to access additional activities when they have grasped the key learning in the whole class teaching part of the lesson. The teacher will be responsible for teaching small groups during the lesson, ensuring children have access to high quality intervention throughout.
  • Time for the SENCO and Pupil Premium Champion to work with families, children and staff, ensuring they are provided with the best possible support and families and children receive high quality engagement, matched to needs.
  • School Pastoral Worker to support families and parental engagement with school.
  • Wider Enrichment: Access to before and after school care, after school clubs, visits and trips and additional opportunities to add to cultural capital.

These spending decisions support the school’s priorities for development as outlined in the school improvement plan. The exact nature of interventions and opportunities funded by Pupil Premium has been and will be determined, after rigorous analysis of each child’s progress and attainment undertaken by staff termly.

Any additional interventions have been chosen carefully to tackle underachievement, address barriers to learning, and support more able pupils with the ultimate aim of closing any gap in attainment between PP children and Non-PP children. Funding will also be spent to support individual pupils and their families with enrichment or wellbeing opportunities that they may not otherwise be able to access.

Please view/download the document below on how we spend our Pupil Premium Grant