Homework and Spellings
Spring 2 Group 1 Overview
Spelling Bee
Year 3 Spellings
Whole Year 3/4 Spelling Word List
Please click on the links for further information. If you have any questions regarding your child's homework or spellings, please speak with their teacher.
Homework and Spellings - Whole School Policy
Spellings and Tables
Each week your child will have spellings and Times Tables to learn. Please help your child to learn their weekly spellings and practise tables together, these will be tested each Friday and 6 new words will be given. We will send spelling test papers home so parents can see how their child did. We suggest 'Look, Cover, Write, Check', using 'Sounds and Syllables' when learning new spellings.
Your child should always have a reading book in his/her book bag. Please listen to your child read at home as much as possible. This doesn't always have to be their school reading book. Reading any type of texts such as magazines, comics, menus, street signs etc. are just as valuable.
If you listen to your child read his/her school reading book, please make a comment (positive if possible) in their reading diary so that we know that the book has been read and then we can change it in school.
The children will be listened to read at school regularly and this will be logged in the reading diary too.
Maths/English Homework
Maths or English homework will be sent home every Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. The work will be linked to something the children have been learning in class.