Knowledge Organisers

We would like to introduce a new initiative to support your child's learning at home - knowledge organisers. A knowledge organiser is a document that outlines the key information, concepts and vocabulary your child will be learning in a particular subject area or topic. We believe that knowledge organisers can be an effective tool to help consolidate learning and support revision at home. Teaching staff will be using a variety of fun quizzing techniques throughout the term and it would be beneficial if you could also help at home. You do not need to spend long on these (5 to 10 mins a few times per week).

We will be providing knowledge organisers for two key subject areas and topics studied throughout this term. We encourage you to use these documents to ‘quiz’ your child at home, as this can help to reinforce their learning and develop their understanding of key concepts and vocabulary.  Quizzing at home can be a fun and an effective way to support your child's learning.

Examples include: Ask 5–10 questions checking for recall in a variety of styles: short answer fact check; short problem solving, multiple choice questions; use True/False;  error spotting. Cover up labels and ask your child to name the missing labels.

By regularly revising the content of the knowledge organisers and asking your child questions, you can help them to consolidate their learning and identify any areas where they may need additional support. We believe that by working together, we can help your child to achieve their full potential. We would like to encourage you to be actively involved in your child's learning by using the knowledge organisers and quizzing them at home during this half term. If you have any questions or concerns about this initiative, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Spring 1