P.S.H.E and R.S.E
Personal, Social, Health Education and Relationships and Sex Education
Subject Lead is Mrs Dobson |
What is PSHE/RSE Education? PSHE Education (Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education) and RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) is a planned programme of learning through which children and young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to successfully manage their lives – now and in the future. As part of a whole-school approach, PSHE and RSE Education develops the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. PSHE and RSE form part of the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development of our children at Abercrombie Primary School.
What do schools have to teach in PSHE/RSE Education? According to the National Curriculum, every school needs to have a broad and balanced curriculum that:
From September 2020, primary schools in England also need to teach Relationships and Health Education as compulsory subjects and the Department for Education strongly recommends this should also include age-appropriate Sex Education. Schools also have statutory responsibilities to safeguard their pupils (Keeping Children Safe in Education) and to uphold the Equality Act (2010).
PSHE and Relationships Education at Abercrombie Primary School We follow the Jigsaw Programme for our PSHE and Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) curriculum which supports all of these requirements and has children’s wellbeing at its heart. Jigsaw supports our school ethos and values and is a structured programme of lessons that builds over time to develop the knowledge, skills and understanding of the children. However, we do supplement the programme were necessary to reflect our school community and the children’s needs. We also ensure that both national and international events that raise personal, social and health issues are explored. What is Jigsaw approach to PSHE and RSE and how does it work? Jigsaw is a whole-school approach and embodies a positive philosophy and creative teaching and learning activities to nurture children’s development as compassionate and well-rounded human beings as well as building their capacity to learn. Jigsaw is a comprehensive and completely original PSHE/RSE Education programme for the whole primary school from ages 3-11. It also includes all the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education, and Sex Education is also included in the Changing Me Puzzle (unit). Jigsaw has two main aims for all children:
Jigsaw brings together PSHE Education, compulsory Relationships and Health Education, emotional literacy, mindfulness, social skills and spiritual development. It is designed as a whole school approach, with all year groups working on the same theme (Puzzle) at the same time at their own level. There are six Puzzles (half-term units of work) and each year group is taught one lesson per week. All lessons are delivered in an age and stage appropriate way so that they meet children’s needs. However, weekly sessions may be supplemented with lessons that reflect current need/issues within the class, our school and its community or national issues. What will the Jigsaw Scheme of Work teach our children at Abercrombie? The overview below summarises the content in each of Jigsaw’s units of work (Puzzle Pieces) for all our children from 3 years to 11 years old: Jigsaw Puzzle Piece 1: Being Me in My World This covers a wide range of topics, including a sense of belonging, welcoming others and being part of a school community, a wider community, and a global community; it also looks at children’s rights and responsibilities, working and socialising with others, and pupil voice. Jigsaw Puzzle Piece 2: Celebrating Difference This topic focuses on similarities and differences and teaches about diversity, such as disability, racism, power, friendships, and conflict; children learn to accept everyone’s right to ‘difference’, and most year groups explore the concept of ‘normality’. Anti-bullying, including cyber and homophobic bullying, is an important aspect of this Puzzle. Jigsaw Puzzle Piece 3: Dreams and Goals This topic aims to help children think about their hopes and dreams, their goals for success, what their personal strengths are, and how to overcome challenges, using team-work skills and tasks. There is also a focus on enterprise and fundraising. Children learn about experiencing and managing feelings of pride, ambition, disappointment, success; and they get to share their aspirations, the dreams and goals of others in different cultures/countries, and their dreams for their community and the world. It’s great for children to have this experience, to think ambitiously, and to have aspirations. Jigsaw Puzzle Piece 4: Healthy Me This covers two main areas of health: Emotional/mental health (relaxation, being safe, friendships, mental health skills, body image, relationships with food, managing stress) and Physical health (eating a balanced diet, physical activity, rest and relaxation, keeping clean, drugs and alcohol, being safe, first aid). Most of the statutory content for Health Education (DfE) is contained within this Puzzle. Jigsaw Puzzle Piece 5: Relationships This topic starts with building a respectful relationship with self and covers topics including families, friendships, pets and animals, and love and loss. A vital part of this Puzzle is about safeguarding and keeping children safe; this links to online safety and social networking. Children learn how to deal with conflict, build assertiveness skills, and identify their own strengths and strategies for building self-esteem and resilience. They explore roles and responsibilities in families and friendship groups, and consider stereotypes. Jigsaw Puzzle Piece 6: Changing Me deals with change of many types, from growing from young to old, becoming a teenager, assertiveness, puberty, self-respect and safeguarding. Each year group thinks about looking ahead, moving year groups or the transition to secondary school and how to cope positively with such changes. Life cycles and human reproduction are taught in different year groups in an age appropriate. NOTE: Here at Abercrombie School, you will receive an information leaflet outlining the content of the Changing Me lessons at the beginning of the Summer Term with the opportunity to come into school to talk to staff about the lessons should you wish to. You can also find information about the lessons in our policy document and progression grids found below. What else is included in the Jigsaw PSHE/ RSE Curriculum? There are numerous additional aspects of the Jigsaw Programme to enhance the learning experience, including the Jigsaw Friends (jigsaw-shaped soft toys used as teaching aids), Jigsaw Chimes and Jigsaw Jerrie Cats (used to help and encourage calming and mindfulness practice). Every Jigsaw lesson includes mindfulness practice. Mindfulness is being able to observe your own thoughts and feelings as they happen, in the present moment, applying no judgement. Jigsaw teaches children to understand their thoughts and feelings through the Calm Me time exercises (using the Jigsaw Chime) and Pause Points (using Jigsaw Jerrie Cat). This helps to develop their awareness, and their capacity to be mindful human beings.
PSHE and RSE fit under the wider umbrella of the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC) of children at Abercrombie School.Therefore, many areas of the curriculum also provide opportunities to promote further learning, many through carefully planned and structured lessons. In particular, Religious Education (RE), Science, History and Geography as well as through the content of our whole school assemblies. The school also makes considerable efforts to ensure children have exposure to a wide range of experiences both in and beyond their local community during which the PSHE and RSE curriculum are reinforced e.g. sporting events, a variety of visits and the use of outdoor education and residentials. We also enjoy visits from Theatre groups, Severn Trent Water, Derbyshire Road Safety, Bikeability, Fire and Rescue Services, the African and Caribbean Community Association, the Derby Open Centre, the Chesterfield Historical Society and Holy Trinity Church to name but a few. We engage in practical voting led by our school council and develop an understanding and knowledge of how Parliament works and the democracy of law.