Reception Details
Morning Routine
Each morning, your child will place their book bag into a box and line up at the outside classroom door. They will then hang their coats on their pegs as they enter the classroom. Their water bottles should be brought in with them and placed on the shelf in the cloakroom.
The children will then write their names independently in their morning work books, match their name with their photograph for self-registration and help themselves to a breakfast bagel.
The children will then all sit down together to begin the day with the formal register.
Starting after Christmas, the children will take part in 1 PE session per week. This will take place indoors initially and then as we move through the year we will move to outdoors too. The children should bring a PE kit which they will leave on their pegs. This will be sent home at the end of each half term for washing. Please make sure all PE kit is labelled with their name.
Reading Books
After a few weeks, once we have begun teaching our phonics programme, your child will bring home three books in their book bag. One is a phonic book matched to your child's phonic knowledge that they have practiced in school (reading practice book), one is a colour book which has also been matched to your child's phonics knowledge. This is an unfamiliar book for your child to read with you at home (colour book). The children will also visit the school library once a week to select and bring home a book for you to share together at home. Please try and read with your child every night. This could be their school reading books but we also encourage you to also share a bedtime story each night for enjoyment.
In the beginning, it is about teaching your child early reading skills such as how to hold the book, pointing to each word as you read and discussing the pictures and what is happening in the story. As your child gets more confident with phonics and recognising sounds, they will begin recognising words and sounding out words independently. We call this blending and segmenting.
The children will read in group reading practice sessions 3 times per week and will bring home new reading books each week. Please make sure the children bring their reading books to school every day in their book bags.
The children will also bring home high frequency words related to our phonics and reading scheme to learn at home and letter sound cards to recognise and build their own words at home.
Please use Tapestry to share your child's 'wow' moments from home and to support their 'show and tell'. We love hearing about their weekends, holidays and their interests. It allows children to develop their language skills and talk about things they love; it promotes positive discussions with peers and allows them to use their experiences when they are playing.
I send home a weekly newsletter via Tapestry so you can see what we are learning about each week. I also send home important messages so do please keep logging on to look for information.
Look out for photos from school to find out what your child has been learning.
Parent 'Stay and Read' sessions - Friday Mornings
Once the children have settled into school, Parents, Grandparents, Auntie and Uncles are all invited in to read with the children at drop off on Friday mornings. The doors open at 8.45am and the bells will ring to end the session at 8.55am. This gives grown ups the opportunity to come in to the classroom and listen to their children read. Please look out for information as to when these sessions will begin.
Please remember to write your child’s name into every item of clothing/shoes that they wear to school.
Thank you.